Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Showdown- Temptation Come My Way

There's only so much one can say about The Showdown. The band has amazing energy on stage, funny guys, and their debut record A Chorus of Obliteration was one of the the most refreshing metal albums I had heard in a long time.

However with their latest release Temptation Comes My Way, the band has simply failed. Failed on all cylinders. This is the saddest attempt at becoming a radio friendly band I have maybe ever seen. All joking aside, it seems as if they themselves have been defined as one big joke. Whether it's Metallica rip-offs, Pantera carbon-copies, or Megadeth guitar solos, this is not only one of the biggest rip off records i've heard in a long time, but this record is just all around bad.

The only high points I could pick out, was a song they wrote about two years ago (the only song that even remotely resembles their old style), "Breathe of the Swamp" or their conver of the Kanas classic "Carry on my Wayward Son." Other than that... this record should be used a coaster on Superbowl Sunday.


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