Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A Day To Remember- For Those Who Have Heart

A Day To Remember have capatalized on something I think so many of us, for so long have had in the back of our minds. A combination of extremely brutal moshcore, with catchy as hell emo choruses. What may seem as one of the worst sound combinations ever (think Bury Your Dead meets Fall Out Boy), ADTR pulls this off well. The band knows how to write some incredible melodies both musically and vocally, they will have you singing the hooks to all of their songs.
However, their breakdowns and anything remotely heavy, is not only appaulingly cliche, but some of the most basic heavy music parts known to man.
Want a break down? How about... chug chug chugh chug
Yeah that's about as complicated as they get.

As bad as this may seem, I can't really rag on them too much. The breakdowns are EXTREMELY heavy, and seem to be placed right, they aren't TOO over done, and overall serve their purpose.
While this record isn't perfect, it is VERY listanable. Some could call it a guilty pleasure, but why bother? This band seems like they are doing what they set out to accomplish.


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