Everyone knows by now about Radiohead's massively successful "pay what you want" release, or "leak date" of their most recent release In Rainbows.
Well now U2 is jumping on the band wagon, stating that they will release their next record in a similar way. Think this is the future of music releases?
Yes and no.
I think bands of the scale of these two bands definitely can, however smaller bands won't be able to garner the same success. Not that it's a bad idea for them... but, there are better ways. More on this later.
New iPhone!!!

Well first i'll give you the details, which you can get the full run down here
Basically the big news is the fact that it's now $199, it's faster with 3G capability, and obviously the new update with the AppStore, which you can still get if you have the old iPhone.
The new iPhone also changes the aluminum casing on the back, to a plastic casing that comes in black and white. This alone is probably why the price dropped so much, it also saves Apple money.
As far as what I think about it...
I'm freaking stoked. I will never again use another phone, even though the price of the first one was pretty steep, you truly get what you pay for and more. The introduction of the AppStore is inovational, and that alone is a sole reason to buy the darn thing.
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