Friday, December 19, 2008

UFC 92 Fight Predictions

Without a doubt the biggest fight card of the year, perhaps the biggest fight card in mixed martial arts history? Who knows.

Nonetheless, there are some great fights, and if you're not a UFC fan and you're trying to get into it, I would recommend checking this one out.

I went 2-1 on my predictions for the TUF finale, and before that I think I went 1-3 so to say the least im down but not out.

Here we go.

Forrest Griffin Vs. Rashad Evans

What a match up, champion Forrest Griffin comes off his huge title win over Rampage Jackson in a fight for thr history books. Evans off of his huge win, defeating and knocking out Chuck Liddel.

I think the thing to keep in mind about this fight is both fighters strengths. Evans is a striker without a doubt, he can defend on the ground, and even take some ground offensive, but the chances of this one going to the ground is slim. Evans is a perfect puncher, and we saw that in his fight against Liddell, and my guess is he will deal some pretty serious blows to Forrest.

On the other hand, we look at Forrest Griffin. Perhaps one of the most well conditioned fighters i've ever seen. Forrest's greatest strength lies in the fact that he can absolutely stand toe to toe with the heaviest hands in the UFC, especially after seeing him go 5 rounds with Jackson, while Jackson delivered blow after blow that would have KOed anyone else.

With that being said, this one on tape, looks like a toss up. However, I have trouble believing that Rashad Evans will do anything more than what Rampage did in his fight, and that's beat the living crap out of Forrest Griffin. Although that might sound like i'm saying Evans will win, it's not. Griffin's main tactic is that he doesn't mind people beating the crap out of him, but by doing this, his opponents waste their energy and remain frustrated enough to where they make big mistakes.

WINNER: Forrest Griffin

Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira Vs. Frank Mir

This is the fight for the intterim championship between the TUF coaches, Nogueira and Mir. What that means, is that Nogueira is the Pride Fight champion, which UFC owns.

This fight will simply come down to ground game, and experience, in which Nogueira has over Frank Mir.

This one to me is a no brainer.

WINNER: Antonio Nogueira

Wanderlei Silva Vs. Quinton Jackson

This one looks like a tossup to me. Jackson has been defeated by Silva once before, but Jackson is more in his prime than ever, with something to prove after his loss to Forest Griffin. On the other hand, Silva seems like he's lost touch after showing less than stellar performances, even though some wins, in his last few fights. This one is a close one, but i'm gonna call for a winner.

WINNER: Quinton Jackson


CB Dollaway Vs. Mike Massenzio :: C.B. Dulloway
Matt Hamill Vs. Reese Andy :: Matt Hammill

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